My new friend Will, who was also our surf instructor, brought out this tune - it's been around since September 2011, but for some reason I only heard it two weeks ago. In Costa Rica of all places!
Of course, I've caught a cold pretty much almost instantly after stepping into the Pearson terminal. The stop-over in Miami killed me, it was 4 hours and I was exhausted. We partied till 2am and then stayed up to watch the sunrise in Tamarindo - but I passed out, lol. Was up at 7am, so I only had 3 hours sleep. And it's hard to sleep on the plane. Sure, I could have OD'd on rum to help me sleep, but I had had enough over the past two weeks! There is this amazing drink called BamBoo Ron & Cola. I could have gone for one of those...
I will share more pics soon, I promise. Right now, I gotta fight this cold. Water, Advil, Vitamin C and Codeine should do the trick. ;)