Yesterday she lent me the movie, called Happy-Go-Lucky. I absolutely fell in love with it and the character, Poppy. I see why my colleague says I'm so similar to the character and take it as a compliment. It certainly is hard to stay positive in a world where people are generally so negative and with so many bad things happening. If anything, it's even more of an incentive to look on the brighter side of things!
If you want to watch the first 10 minutes - click here.
On a totally different note, when I first heard this tune on the radio, I thought it was straight from the '70s. Then my dad told me it was the Sheepdogs. (My DAD!!?!) And my gal pal reminded me how I met them at Edge Fest last year while working on the Gibson bus. The Sheepdogs were on the cover of Rolling Stone at the time and were so unassuming, it was so cool of them. (Mind you, how could I even recognize the lead singer when he was debeareded and had no shades on?)
'Cool' factor is a strange thing.
While on a date last weekend, said hottie reaffirmed the point about how a 'cool' person never says they're cool. It's the same deal I've heard over the years - how a 'cool' person never proclaims to be. Perhaps it's the same manner in how good guys should never say they are such, or how a heart breaker never confirms he/she is one. Proclaiming to be what you are never seems to be a good idea by societal standards, but I don't give a crap about that.
I'm pretty effin' rad. Whether that means cool or not, I'll leave up to people to label. All I know is, I'm cool with the way I am. ;)