Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ok, ok, I know you want more posts! Sorry!!

I keep too many personal blogs at home to remember to update this one.  I'll  make sure to run updates more often in 2012. :)

I've been contemplating the New Year and my adventures planned. The first big one being my Surf Camp trip to Costa Rica. It's through Beach Travellers - 13 days of beautiful beaches and surfing adventures in the mornings. Afternoons are to be filled with anything from ATVing and Zip Lining to massages and naps.

If you know me well, you know I'm prepared physically since I've gotten pretty solid over the past couple months. Now I'm looking for more specific work outs tailored to surfers so I don't get winded and make the most of my surfing experience! The below workout proves amazingly effective. It looks easy - until you try it!

So far I can go 2.5 rounds without getting completely winded. My shoulders are really sore from the pop up's and the muscles in the middle of my back are already more defined after only doing this work out for a week. With 4 more weeks to go, I'm definitely going to be ready when the time comes! Let's hope I can stay up on that board!